Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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Opel Astra Limousine
Opel erweitert seine Familie der Erfolg des Astra-Limousine mit einem neuen sportlich und elegant. Mit typischen astralen Kräfte, einschließlich fortschrittlicher Technologien und Qualität weithin anerkannt, ist das neue dreibändige Luxus und elegant und weniger bequem für Kunden, die üblichen Wahl für diese Art von Auto in der Mitte des Segments große . Mit dieser neuen viertürigen Limousine Opel Astra, der Fünftürer, der Sports Tourer Kombi und Coupé GTC stromlinienförmige Design, die Bildung der meistverkaufte Opel Astra ist nun abgeschlossen.
Vier Benziner (74 kW/100 PS bis 132 kW/180 PS), von denen drei miteinander kombiniert werden können: Zu Beginn des Umsatzes im Monat Juni 2012 können Kunden von sieben zunächst Motoren für den neuen Opel Astra Limousine wählen mit einem Sechs-Gang-Automatikgetriebe und drei Dieselmotoren (70 kW/95 PS bis 96 kW/130 PS). Die beiden hocheffizienten Astra 1.7 CDTI ecoFLEX-Modelle drei Bände mit Start / Stop, und der effektivste Weg, um die Technologie zu verbessern, um leistungsstarke Ausgänge von 81 kW/110 PS und 96 kW/130 PS starken Diesel-Verbrauch kombiniert von 3,7 Liter pro 100 Kilometer. Dies entspricht nur 99g/km CO2-Emissionen. Zusätzlich zu diesem Angebot Motors breite Anfang nächsten Jahres wird das neue viertürige Astra von der Markteinführung des neuen Opel hoch effiziente, leistungsstarke und raffinierte Sidi ECOTEC-Vierzylinder-Generation von Benzinmotoren mit 1,6 Liter-Motor zu profitieren, Turboaufladung und Direkteinspritzung Zündung erwachte.
Der neue Astra Limousine (Länge / Breite / Höhe: 4,658 / 1,814 / 1,476 mm), hat einen Radstand von 2.685 mm und bietet einen großzügigen Innenraum. Sein besonderes Kofferraum bietet 460 Liter Volumen - 90 Liter mehr als beim Fünftürer. Um den Boden hinten 60-40 Split Bank falten das Boot-Volume kann bis zu einem Maximum von 1.010 Liter erhöht werden.
"Mit seinem sportlich-eleganten Design, der neue Astra-Limousine Energie tanken die kompakte viertürige Segment. Wie alle unsere Astra in Rüsselsheim entwickelt und bietet ein hohes Maß an Technologie und Qualität weithin anerkannt", sagt CEO Opel Karl-Friedrich Stracke. "Unsere neuen Astra Stufenheck ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Produktoffensive und spielt eine Schlüsselrolle in unserer Wachstumsstrategie. Dies ist eine elegante, kostengünstige Alternative für viele viertürige Limousine der Mittelklasse-Segment, so sehen wir einen beträchtliches Potenzial der Eroberung Westeuropas. Stata spielen auch eine wichtige Rolle in einem deutlichen Anstieg in unserem Markt in wichtigen Wachstumsmärkten wie Russland und der Türkei, wo es eine starke Nachfrage nach Kleinwagen mit einem separaten Kofferraum. "
Sportlich-elegantes Design mit ausgewogenen Proportionen kombiniert
Das Design-Team hat der neue Opel Astra Stufenheck Silhouette sehr glatt und geschmeidig. Die Dachlinie Bögen sanft über den Fahrgastraum, dann auf die Straße nahtlos an durch die stark geneigte Heckscheibe aerodynamische Lippe am Ende des hinteren Deck kurzen geschnitzt. Und weil der Rake C-Säule so weit zurück reicht in dem hinteren Deck, visuell zu verbergen die Größe des Kofferraums auf elegante Weise. Die Kennlinie durchläuft den Griffen, wird immer den Innenraum definiert, wodurch ein Effekt Muskel "Schulter" unter der Basis der C-Säule und die hintere Plattform.
Letzteres wird durch eine steile Heckscheibe, integriertes deck spoiler, und der breiten Schwung sculpted Stoßfänger geprägt. Das Design der Heckleuchten echo denen anderer Astra-Modelle, und die dünne Falte, die sie bindet und fügt Breite um jeden Eindruck von Raum zu vermeiden. Die Lampen haben auch eine Form inneren Flügel für die Funktion Rücklicht, die die Signatur der Marke Opel erstreckt. Es gibt mehrere Eigenschaften plastischen innerhalb des Puffers, in dem die Anzahl von Plaque Gedankenstrich spiegelt die Form der Brücke-Lid Ausschnitt. Zusammen vereinen alle diese Elemente zu einer ausgewogenen und harmonischen Design zu schaffen, insbesondere Automotive.
Der Vice President of Design, Mark Adams, sagte: .. "Die Familie von Modellen Astra implementiert unsere Formensprache mit Präzision skulpturale Treffen deutscher Kunst in einer sehr dynamischen Art und Weise alle Varianten des body style hat eine starke Persönlichkeit, glauben wir, dass das viertürige Astra Limousine, jetzt ist die beste zum Launch drei Bände und eleganter derzeit in der Kompaktklasse. "Kunden, die um ihre Opel Astra Limousine noch attraktiver optisch möchten, können Sie aus einer breiten Palette von Rad-Designs in Größen bis 19 Zoll wählen.
Top Qualität und Technologie-Standards typischen im Segment der Astra Stufenheck
Mit seinem sportlich-elegantes Design, eine Qualität typisch Astra und eine große Palette von technologisch fortschrittlichen Lösungen - einige sind einzigartig, sind einige für das Segment ungewöhnlich - Opel neue kompakte viertürige Stufenheck-Kunden finden mit hohen Erwartungen. Die Advanced Forward Lighting (AFL +) mit Bi-Xenon-Scheinwerfer und eine Reihe von komplexen Lichtfunktionen einschließlich variabler Lichtverteilung, Lichtkurven Lichtkurven und blendend unterstützen erheblich verbessern die aktive Sicherheit. Das adaptive System-Chassis FlexRide passt die Dämpfung bei vorherrschenden Fahrbedingungen und bietet dem Fahrer zwischen drei verschiedenen Modi wählen - Standard, Komfort-orientierten Modus Tour und Sport-Modus mehr ansprechbar. Die sehr ergonomische AGR ("Aktion Gesunder Rücken eV") hat die Sitze, die leicht auf der Rückseite sind für den Fahrer und Beifahrer zur Verfügung genehmigt. Fügte hinzu, dass es mehrere Infotainment-Systeme, die die Reise noch entspannter und sicherer zu machen. Navi 900 obere Einheit verfügt über einen Modus aus mehr als 30 europäischen Ländern und einem digitalen Reiseführer auf der SD-Karte gespeichert.
Stufenheck Compact Wachstumschancen
Der neue Opel Astra viertürige Limousine ist eine wichtige Ergänzung zur neuesten Generation des beliebten Modells Astra-Familie. In Westeuropa, insbesondere in Deutschland und Spanien, siehe Opel-Marketing-Experten Wachstumschancen für das neue viertürige Modell als elegant, erschwinglich Alternative zu den Oberklasse-Limousinen. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine starke Nachfrage nach einer Variante Stufenheck kompakt in den Wachstumsmärkten Zentral-und Osteuropa, insbesondere in Russland und der Türkei. Russland ist derzeit die zweithöchste Volumen der Verkäufe in Europa und hofft, zu einem führenden europäischen Markt geworden, mit bis zu 3,4 Millionen Auslieferungen insgesamt im Jahr 2014. In allen Segmenten werden über 60 Prozent aller Pkw in Europa verkauft in Russland verkauft. Im vergangenen Jahr haben die kompakte 51 Prozent der Kunden hier gewählt, um drei Bände veröffentlichen. Russland ist auch der drittgrößte Markt für den Astra in Europa. Deshalb hat Opel entschieden, die Weltpremiere des neuen Mitglieds des Modells Astra Familie in der Moskauer Auto Salon 2012 (29. August - 9. September) feiern.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 2013

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 2013
 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 2013
 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 2013
 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 2013
Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4
Al Salone di Parigi 2012 Lamborghini presenta il maggior successo supersportiva in tutta la sua storia, un nuovo design - ancora più aggressivo, più estrema: la nuova Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4, LP570-4 Edizione Tecnica. La nuova Gallardo LP560-4 - con permanente quattro ruote motrici ha un nuovo frontale e un posteriore nuovo, allo stesso tempo, come i modelli di punta della line-up, theLP570-4 Gallardo Superleggera e la LP570-4 Spyder performante, anche se ha offerto un Tecnica Edizione. Sei modelli della famiglia Gallardo è ora chiaramente distinti e può essere adattato perfettamente per soddisfare ogni tipo di driver.
I nuovi modelli Lamborghini Gallardo sono disponibili nelle concessionarie a partire da novembre 2012.
La nuova Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4
Il design unico, con le sue linee affilatissime è uno dei fattori chiave del suo grande successo in tutto il mondo. Quasi 13.000 unità hanno già lasciato lo stabilimento di Sant'Agata Bolognese.
Disegno Gallardo è ora ancora più accentuata la nuova Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4. Il nuovo frontale è caratterizzato da una forme triangolari e trapezoidali - Due forme che sono molto tipiche del linguaggio stilistico Lamborghini. Dividendo gli elementi diagonali del corpo e colore nero, l'aspetto della estremità anteriore di una più ampia e più robusto, fornendo un rapporto ancora più forte con tè.
Per completare il look delle nuove prese d'aria più grandi sono state create prima che le nuove ruote da 19 pollici anteriori e "Apollo" lucido, cerchi in lega verniciati in nero opaco con raggi d'argento di macchine di precisione e lucidato.
Il nuovo design è anche posteriore più dinamica della Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4. Triangolo e un trapezio, naturalmente, caratteristica degli elementi di disegno qui. La presa di potere che ha ora ora una superficie più ampia, che migliora l'efficienza termodinamica. Il nuovo stile del pacchetto è disponibile come opzione e fornisce un alto vernice lucida nera nella parte inferiore dello spoiler anteriore, prese d'aria anteriori e posteriori e posteriore assetto parte laterale della Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 per fornire un aspetto ancora più potente.
La nuova Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Edizione Tecnica
Ciò che rimane per essere facile da progettare, con particolare attenzione ad alte prestazioni e il look purista, LP570-4 Superleggera e la LP570-4 Spyder performante segnano il culmine della famiglia Gallardo. Come Edizione Tecnica, possono migliorare il livello di equipaggiamento e anche personale. Caratteristiche della Tecnica Edizione includono: alta ala fissa posteriore, freni in carbonio-ceramica così come la tecnologia. Uniscono peso ridotto, resistenza allo sbiadimento e durata eccezionali. Rapporto peso potenza del restante 2,35 permette alla vettura di essere uno dei migliori riferimenti nel segmento.
Edizione Tecnica sottolineatura siede aspetto molto speciale di tre nuove combinazioni esclusive a colori opzionali, l'arco intero tetto e le prese d'aria anteriori sono verniciate in contrasto. I colori disponibili sono: Nero Nemesis (nero opaco) corpo Arancio Argos (arancione), i pilastri e le prese d'aria anteriori, Bianco Canopus (bianco opaco) abitative Arancio pilastri Argos e le prese d'aria anteriori e il corpo Arancio Argos pilastri Nemesis Nero e le prese d'aria anteriori.
Inoltre, tutti i nuovi modelli Gallardo può essere adattato a misura praticamente illimitata in un ambiente esclusivo e ben nota: la "ad personam" per il Lamborghini.
La nuova LP560-4 e LP570-4 per Tecnica Edizione Superleggera Spyder e performante, lo stress - anche in termini di design - le differenze di esperienza meccanica e di guida tra le quattro versione a trazione integrale della gamma Gallardo.
Infatti, accanto alla trazione integrale Gallardo, a due ruote motrici Gallardo LP550-2 Coupé e Spyder non è ancora disponibile. Nella sua ruota posteriore purista, è come piloti che preferiscono una molto attiva e impegnata in stile di guida. Gallardo LP550-2 è dotato di un design unico e le prestazioni del modulo di Lamborghini è semplice e lineare.

bmw m6 coupe

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 bmw m6 coupe front view
 bmw m6 coupe dashboard
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BMW M6 Coupe review
Classic proportions are sporty, elegant lines of the BMW 6 Series, and the familiar design language of BMW cars M. Laid the foundation for the design of the body eloquent M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible Powerfully taut surfaces and precise contours underline the athletic appearance of the two models. It also includes a specific model for the interpretation of design elements typical M style details that directly influenced by technical considerations - as the necessary cooling air suspension geometry and aerodynamics - and then further highlight the excellent properties of self. This is a good example of how an ultra-dynamic, which is marked in this version's sporty luxury coupe and convertible exclusive authentic placed their expression of design.
Front view: large air intakes, redesigned kidney M.
Large air intakes, a beautiful shaped headlights and large, smooth surfaces dominate the front end of the new BMW M6 Coupé and the new BMW M6 Convertible. Another eye-catching front of the car is the kidney redesigned M wearing a badge "M6". The grille is black, kidney slats couples take their signals from features twin-spoke alloy wheels M. The 30 mm increase of the carriageway on the two cars, the respective 6 Series stablemates is completed by the front wheel arches flared powerful that lie flush with the wheels. This extra width provides a clear allusion to the optimized road handling of this high-performance sports car. The Three-dimensional design of their air intakes and race-inspired flaps designed to optimize airflow to the outer air intakes also emphasize on increasing the car, dynamic character.
LED accent light standard across the tops of the Adaptive LED Light with both models. Their bright white rings, three-dimensional LED are turned off by striking effect aimed at the top and bottom edges. Low and high beam with two light rings. Providing light are units that are arranged on a horizontal rib through the center of the units feed their light into the reflector LED before them. This will ensure that the characteristic appearance of round headlights twins meets clearly in any situation. The flasher - in the form of LED units arranged horizontally - will be integrated in the headlights under the rings of light.
Side view: athletic flared wheel arches, side gills, forged M light-alloy wheels.
The famous M sportiness of both models is also visible from the side. The front sections of the gills lateral transport M family functions. Their three-dimensional shape, wide chrome frame and indicator bars - which also carry the M logo - seem very deep. In line with the wider wheel arches which are the most important character lines corresponding to the gills. The wrinkles on the winning side skirts depending on the model also sweep distract the view to the rear wheels.
The new BMW M6 Coupé and the new BMW M6 Convertible 19-inch M alloy wheels as standard. The seven-twin-spoke forged wheels with a two-tone finish. The optional 20-inch M light-alloy wheels, now known weight with five double spokes complicated and allow a clear line of sight through the powerful brake system.
Powerfully shaped rear tailpipes typical M individuals.
The enlargement towards the street and the horizontal lines of inclusion and large surfaces, the design of the references back to the stable road holding and powerful serenity and safety of the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible. The reflectors offering in the form of L taillights individual expression of sportiness.
The clearest pointer to the identity of the two high-performance sports car positioned terminals M twin known to both sides of the diffuser integrated into the rear bumper. The air intakes in the front apron design reflected in its dimensions and outline of their surroundings.
CFRP roof and soft-top with a unique design.
Like its predecessor, the roof of the new BMW M6 Coupe carbon fiber reinforced plastic series. The dark color of the roof, giving two doors extremely elongated silhouette aspect that is highlighted by a dynamic opening in the center of the roof. The use of lightweight material for the roof of the center of gravity of the vehicle to be lowered allows, improving mobility. BMW Individual High Gloss Shadow Line trim (default) draws attention to this weight optimized, their dark color that covers the side edges of the window (or life, in the case of the BMW M6 Convertible) and the base and the bottom of the M aerodynamic exterior mirrors.
The unique aspect of the new BMW 6 Series Convertible will be the architecture "fin" stressed the high quality soft roof. Configuration at the back of the fins to emphasize the car's dynamic curved silhouette. Heated, vertical glass rear window, which runs behind the rear seats, regardless of the soft top itself is located.
Customers can choose between a color and eight non-metallic materials (including four surfaces exclusive M) to choose for the exterior painting of the two models. The roof of the new BMW M6 Convertible is available in black and beige, or - as an option - in fact Silver Anthracite.
BMW M6 Coupe driving: performance and personality.
The new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible showcase their individual style, with a series of unique touches and changes the character of the driving experience. But they need the output to serve, his performance inspiration from the same source: a high-revving V8 engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology, mounted longitudinally in front of the car, the power is to the rear wheels via a seven-speed M channeled dual-clutch Drivelogic.
The powertrain combines design features taken directly developed from motor racing with innovations under the banner of EfficientDynamics. Its unique technology package consists of two turbochargers, which according to the Twin Scroll principle (including a cross-bank exhaust manifold), high-precision direct injection, variable valve control VALVETRONIC and double-VANOS continuously variable valve timing. The engine is enhanced by an extremely powerful cooling system and a wet oil sump under high shear forces at work served.
Output increased by 10 percent, maximum torque increased by 30 per cent, fuel consumption and emissions by more than 30 percent.
The unmistakable, the characteristics of the engine 4.4-liter M can be defined held by his super-quick responses and powerful, linear power delivery in the higher elevations of the rev range. In fact, the maximum torque of 680 Nm (502 lb-ft) to the plug 1500-5750 revolutions per minute. The V8 reaches its maximum power of 412 kW/560 hp 6000-7000 revolutions per minute and can rotate at 7200 revolutions per minute. Throughout the speed range in models new means to generate maximum power, is almost three times greater than that of the switch engine on their predecessors.
This immediate and continuous power delivery is the key to unlock the car exhilarating acceleration. The new BMW M6 Coupe dashes from zero to 100 km / h (62 mph) in 4.2 seconds, while the new BMW M6 Convertible achieves the same speed of just 0.1 seconds. The top speed of both models is electronically limited to 250 km / h (155 mph). The specification of the optional M Driver package raises the barrier at 305 km / h (189 mph).
Progress in the development of technology M TwinPower Turbo are anchored in two new models' performance significantly higher than their predecessors resist. The high efficiency of the engine, the Auto Start-Stop function and standards of other examples of Efficient Dynamics technology, help the brake energy recovery and volume-controlled oil pump, reduce fuel consumption and emissions by approximately 30 percent. The new BMW M6 Coupe cards average consumption of 9.9 liters per 100 kilometers (28.5 mpg imp) in the EU test cycle and CO2 emissions of 232 grams per kilometer. corresponding figures for the BMW M6 Convertible 10.3 liters per 100 kilometers (27.4 mpg imp) and 239 grams per kilometer .
Taking advantage of the high performance, dynamic effect: a seven-speed M Double Clutch Transmission with Drivelogic.
It is perfectly adapted to the performance characteristics of the V8 engine, the M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic converts the engine thrust impressive very effective in rapid acceleration. Still virtually size or weight more than a conventional manual gearbox - This ability is determined by the principle that effectively combines DCT supports two gears in a housing. Within the transmission, the torque is transmitted through two clutches in an oil bath cooled, which transfers alternately engaged. This allows zero interruption in the flow of energy when the driver accelerates, even during gear changes.
M DCT Drivelogic offers the driver three different programs shifts, and in automatic mode (D) and manual (S). These programs change the transmission characteristics of change in terms of efficiency, shift comfort and sportiness, and can be located via the lever behind the gear lever on the center console. Added to which the electronics and a Launch Control function provides unmatched acceleration from standstill, assistance at low speeds. To facilitate operation at low speed and the Auto Start-Stop function for greater efficiency
The specific M gear selector to choose the mode D and S, and to engage the reverse gear used. In S mode, the driver changes gears manually in a sequential format. The new BMW M6 Coupe and Convertible is also equipped with a newly designed M leather steering wheel with multifunction buttons and gearshift paddles fixed. In typical configuration M, the driver pulls the right paddle for a maximum and the left paddle to move downwards.
BMW M6 Coupé Chassis: supreme precision in any situation.
The technology of auto racing in the new BMW M6 Coupe and M6 Convertible is paving the way for the imposition of performance on the track, but also deals with the driver, engaging driving experience of daily trips from A dynamic character of both not only as models for its acceleration from standstill defined, but also by their midrange agility, precision and traction in their turnover. when accelerating out of corners, their treatment precisely controllable in strong lateral forces and their braking ability Paving the way for the model-specific chassis technology, in combination with the active M differential, an ideal weight and optimized aerodynamics.
The precise interplay of powertrain, chassis and body has been studied in detail as part of the extensive testing on NürburgringNordschleife. The result is an unmistakable M feeling of a species particularly intense in order to optimize the latest innovation management in ultra-dynamic driving situations, the optional carbon-ceramic brakes M marked his debut in the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible.
M-specific suspension technology, Dynamic Damper Control, M Servotronic steering, DSC with M Dynamic Mode.
The chassis of the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible has developed M-specific and thus combines excellent features with comfort-enhancing features will appreciate on a daily basis. As the integral rear axle, the subframe bolted rigidly to the body, has a double wishbone front suspension kinematics of specific components and newly designed forged aluminum. Ensuring chassis supports with large panels in the front and rear axles of dynamic forces evenly over the whole body, that for high precision tracking.
Standard equipment on both models includes electronically controlled dampers. The M-specific system Dynamic Damping Control adjusts the damping force electro-hydraulically the required answers to the driving situation, they offer the hand and satisfy the desires of the driver. The choice of three settings, allowing the driver to damping characteristics to suit your needs and preferences.
The hydraulic rack-and-pinion steering provides unparalleled precision and a high degree of comfort. This system has a variable ratio, which improves stability and reduces the number of turns of the steering wheel necessary to park on the road. The standard Servotronic speed-sensitive in the same way power assistance is tailored to the specific M and allows the driver to select a custom configuration using three set-up.
In addition to applying the pulses of the brakes and reducing the power of the engine to stabilize the vehicle, the stability system DSC control of the vehicle high performance sport also makes use of the services of the anti-lock braking system (ABS), Brake Control curve (CBC) and Dynamic Brake Control (DBC), together with BAS, the brake function Drying and Start-Off Assistant. M Dynamic Mode (MDM) can be activated defaults are set by pressing the override DSC. With the raising of the thresholds of DSC prices, this mode makes it easier to move off on snow or loose sand with the drive wheels rotate easily. MDM mode also opens the way for the familiar M self-steering behavior. "DSC Off" can be activated with the push of a button.
Active M Differential provides excellent traction in dynamic driving situations.
The new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible also impress, providing optimum traction in difficult road and weather conditions and dynamic acceleration out of corners. Behind the scenes, to this end, is an innovative variable slip differential in the rear differential. The differential active M allows the power of the engine to be distributed quickly and precisely between the left and right rear wheels, according to the needs of the driving situation at a given time.
Electronic management multi-disc locking differential helps speed differences between the rear wheels, necessary to reduce to maximize traction. The group M differential active control is connected to the control system of DSC stability, so that every situation can be analyzed with accuracy and a loss of traction is detected on a wheel at an early stage. The locking effect is generated in response can vary between 0 and 100 percent, which prevents the wheels from spinning on slippery surfaces, in cases in which the right rear wheel and the left are very different coefficients of friction, in tight curves and change in direction extremely dynamically.
New for precise handling: M brakes in carbo-ceramic.
The latest version of the braking system consisting gives the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible excellent braking performance. Its features are also lighter in weight, excellent feel and consistent performance even under heavy loads. The diameter of the internally ventilated and perforated brake discs, 400 mm front and 396 mm at the rear. The six-piston fixed caliper brakes on the front wheels - painted metal dark blue and complete with the M logo - radially bolted to the pivot bearing.
The carbon-ceramic brakes M for the first time the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible take (with 20-inch M alloy wheels), cars braking power to another new level. The brake discs measure 410 millimeters in diameter on the front axle and 396 millimeters at the rear. Done by a new type of carbon fiber composite ceramic discs offer a greater resistance to heat and combine them with significantly lower rotating masses. The carbon-ceramic brakes are M 19.4 kg lighter than standard products, but also the innovative material shows exceptional resistance to wear and the life of the discs is many times compared to conventional means. The option M carbon-ceramic appearance and six-piston fixed caliper brakes front wheels cooperation with single-piston caliper rim brakes on the rear axle. The clamps can be identified by a special gold paint.
Body, carbon fiber roof, soft-top: strong, lightweight, highly expressive.
An intelligent mix of materials is also impressive strength body structure with extremely low weight, in order to improve the protection of the occupants and the agility of management. As with the use of carbon fibers for the roof of the new BMW M6 Coupe, the choice of materials for all slots of other components of the body of the round strategy lightweight. The doors and the hood of the car two high-performance sports are aluminum, thermoplastic front side panels. In addition, its trunk lid and - the top cover made from glass fiber composite material SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound) - in the case of the BMW M6 Convertible. A power-to-weight ratio of 3.3 kg / hp for the BMW M6 Coupé and 3.5 kg / hp for the new BMW M6 Convertible has the significant progress made in this area, as in previous models.
Robust load path structures, deformation zones defined with precision and restraint systems of large size and high efficiency provide the basis for a high level of passive safety in both models. The standard safety equipment includes front and side airbags, side curtain head airbags for both rows of seats of the new BMW M6 Coupé and front airbags and head-thorax side airbags integrated into the seat frame of the new BMW M6 Convertible. The soft-top model benefits produced by roll-bar in high-strength aluminum. Placed behind the rear head restraints, these guards extend automatically in a fraction of a second was a danger of the car rolling his past. Both models are equipped with three-reel seat belts on all seats, belt force limiters and pretensioners restraints for the front seats and ISOFIX child seats in the rear.
Both the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible is designed as a four-seater space in the back and significantly increased compared to previous models. The vitality of the new BMW M6 Coupé is 460 liters. The new BMW M6 Convertible, meanwhile, can carry 300 liters of luggage in the boot with the upper soft downwards and 350 liters closed with him. Both models with the optional ski bag which is located between the rear seats are ordered by kind permission slips through the load.
Dynamic outlines, light material: Carbon fiber reinforced plastic roof of the BMW M6 Coupé.
Like its predecessor, the roof of the new BMW M6 Coupe carbon fiber reinforced plastic series. The dark color of the roof, giving two doors extremely elongated silhouette aspect that is highlighted by a dynamic opening in the center of the roof.
The use of lightweight material for the roof of the vehicle allows gravity can be lowered, thereby improving mobility. BMW Individual High Gloss Shadow Line trim (default) draws attention to this weight optimized, their dark color that covers the side edges of the window (or life, in the case of the BMW M6 Convertible) and the base and the bottom of the M aerodynamic exterior mirrors.
BMW M6 Convertible: high quality soft top with the characteristic opening "fin" style and automatic shut-off function.
The unique aspect of the new BMW 6 Series Convertible will be the architecture "fin" stressed the high quality soft roof. Configuration at the back of the fins to emphasize the car's dynamic curved silhouette. Heated, vertical glass rear window, which runs behind the rear seats, regardless of the soft top itself is located. The automatic opening and closing of the roof can be both at rest and while driving at speeds up to 40 km / h (25 mph) on a switch in the center console to activate. The Comfort Access option allows the roof to be opened or closed by pressing the remote control button on the car key. It takes 19 seconds to open the roof and 24 seconds to close again.
Interior and Control Concept: M pure feeling, pure luxury.
The luxurious ambience of the interior of the new BMW M6 Coupé and the new BMW M6 Convertible is characterized by high-quality materials and surfaces dynamically shaped and customized design of the cockpit and center console - skilfully drawing on the unique high-performance car experience sporty - you create an additional personal touch. The instrument cluster with black-panel technology, classic circular instruments in traditional BMW M style, with red needles and white illumination, as well as model-specific displays and the M logo in the rev counter.
The standard iDrive control system includes a controller on the center console, direct menu control buttons and bookmarks, as well as an on-board monitor with a striking design screen TV. The optional Professional navigation system brings a 10.2-inch version of the Control Display of high quality chrome frame chrome framed.
M leather steering wheel, M sports seats forward, depending on the model design.
The particular model M leather steering wheel of the new BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible will. They diameter of the smaller circle and a new design that is inspired by the double-spoke M light-alloy wheels The new M sports seats for the driver and front passenger excellent lateral support quickly. Made through the corners, but also a high degree of comfort on long distances lightweight seats with integrated belt system has a M-specific design highlighted by the seat cushions and back cushions are very important, headrests in the back seams accentuate substantial segments of the seats, and an area M logo embossed shoulder integrated.
The M sports seats have electric height adjustment, front / back and backrest adjustment, and even with the adjustable pneumatic lumbar support, memory function and get a footrest adjustable manually. The M sports seats are equipped with active head restraints reduce the risk of injury in the event of a rear collision.
Vehicle ideal set-up at hand: the M Drive.
Around the gear lever on the center console, the model-specific keys that allow drivers to their preferred settings for all adjustable chassis and drivetrain select functions. The DSC mode, engine performance, Dynamic Damper Control mapping, M Servotronic responses and M DCT Drivelogic transmission program all be set independently with the touch of a button. This allows the driver to put together a detailed set-up configuration for your car and save it. One of the buttons on the steering wheel M two units The two standard M Drive button, the driver of the BMW M6 Coupé and BMW M6 Convertible is a dynamic configuration wizard under the "M1", for example, and a comfort-biased set shop -up "M2" - and call or at a time, and at any time. The settings of the buttons of the actuating M are stored may also be configured to be selected using the menu iDrive.
As for performance car, the engine sound profile are optimized at the touch of a button. Parallel to control exhaust valve is used a sound module to increase the driving force of natural acoustic components and this track is then directed towards the inside. The digital processing system. The data directly to the control of the motor, and adjusts its output of the engine speed, the amount of torque is generated and the speed of the vehicle on the road In this way the driver incredibly accurate idea of ​​it, how hard the engine is running and the power is unleashed, and provides a window into even clearer in the car on the reactions of the road.
BMW M6 Coupé and BMW ConnectedDrive devices.
It is not the best choice of high-tech tools gives about a further deepening of driving experience - The exclusive nature of the high-performance sports car is the quality and the wide standard equipment, which emphasized on board. The standard features of both models with 2-zone automatic climate control, heated seats for driver and passenger, fine grain Merino leather upholstery with extended features, an M footrest, exclusive interior trim in carbon sill written "M6" more ambient lighting inside, an auto-dimming rearview mirror and mirrors (mirrors also have a folding function), Cruise Control with brake function, BMW Professional Radio and an alarm system with Hi-Fi speakers.
The range of optional driver assistance systems and mobility services from BMW ConnectedDrive to add a unique touch to the two new models. The M-specific version of the Head-Up Display - shows alongside a digital speedometer and tips from the optional Speed ​​Limit Info, gear and a multi-colored symbol tachometer, complete with Shift Lights - is in line with date functions including Park Distance Control, a rear view camera, High-Beam Assistant, Speed ​​Limit Info, Lane Change Warning and Lane Departure Warning System, Surround View and BMW Night Vision with detection of individual persons. Innovative technologies to further optimize the integration of the Apple iPhone and other smartphones, as well as music player and include the use of Internet-based services. The option allows owners of iPhone apps to receive web radio stations, for example, and display Facebook and Twitter posts on the onboard monitor. The real function Time Traffic Information, meanwhile keeps the driver supplied with impressively accurate traffic reports and detailed.
High-performance Audio: Bang & Olufsen High-End Surround Sound System.
Other highlights of the list of options include the navigation system Professional with hard-disk space, M multifunction seats with electrically adjustable backrest width, the active seats, active seat ventilation, Comfort Access, heated steering wheel, soft-close automatic for the doors and the Bang & Olufsen High-End Surround Sound System. The audio system offers high performance to the world of in-car sound.
The fully active system with digital signal processing with individual amplifiers for all woofer, midrange and tweeter. Used develops its technology center speaker Bang & Olufsen Acoustic Lens. As soon as the audio system is activated, the central element opens with the integrated mid-tones in the dashboard, and then the lens cover tweeters at the same time. The total of 12 speakers in the BMW M6 Convertible and 16 speakers of the new BMW M6 Coupé deliver a rich and dynamic sound.
The history of the model deeply rooted tradition in motorsport.
In view of the BMW 6 Series of motor sport has its roots in its DNA, it is not surprising that the origins of the model lie BMW M6 in the early 1970s. As BMW Motorsport GmbH was founded in May 1972, it immediately made with the development of a race car based on the BMW 3.0 CS coupe luxury racing competition in tourism commissioned. Powered by a 3340 cc six-cylinder in-line engine initially produced 360 bhp, the BMW 3.0 CSL - L was in his name for the light - to be the most successful touring car series in the course of the day, the filtered time same innovations that have, in their technical data through the development of car production. Aluminum doors, hood and trunk lid and a five-speed manual transmission with magnesium casing were in 1973 followed by the first six-cylinder engine with four valves per cylinder, and then, in 1974, the debut of the anti-lock braking system. It was like these previews, to accelerate the car to success on the track, before finding its way into the roadgoing brand models contributed - and the same principle continues to be a feature of BMW M vehicles today.
The BMW 3.0 CSL won six European titles Touring Car Championship from 1973 to 1979 with an output power increases from year to year. Until 1976 there was a 3.2-liter six-cylinder twin-turbo engine under the hood, the output should be effectively reduced to 750 hp. Meanwhile, a new project is taking shape BMW Motorsport GmbH, a mid-engined supercar developed from scratch. Before the BMW M1 could be in line for the new Procar Championship, but he had 400 units for type approval to build. This, as BMW Motorsport GmbH at its first production vehicle in 1978 was not only what was BMW M1 acquire with its 277 hp in-line six-cylinder engine available for the title of fastest production car in Germany sport, the 'entire run of 456 models arrested by the speed of light customers.
Motorsport for the road: the BMW M635i.
Until now, the BMW 3.0 CS was replaced by the BMW 6 Series range of BMW models. And the appetite of many BMW drivers for the extra power in their production cars did not go unnoticed by BMW Motorsport GmbH: the speed was four valves per cylinder in the BMW M1, the perfect choice for the development of the BMW 6 - luxury coupe series in the mighty BMW M635i. The six-cylinder engine unleashes 286 hp, which is allied to the chassis technology already on the ground just in order, was handled as well as members of the body streamlined to be able to drivers enjoy a real taste of motor racing in all their day-to-day driving. Total 5855 BMW M635i models were sold between 1984 and 1989.
The beginning of a new era of abundance phenomenal power and high-tech: the first BMW M6.
In 2005, two years after the debut of the second generation of the BMW 6 Series, BMW M GmbH has added a high-performance sports car in its portfolio, which was just in a class by itself. The BMW M6 was once the epitome of a race around the brim compared with the performance automotive motorsport experience. His credentials of reading performance breathtaking: a high-revving V10 engine directly from Formula One with a 5.0 liter displacement and an output of 373 kW/507 hp, seven-speed SMG with Drivelogic firm and Launch Control for acceleration derived at maximum power, speed-sensitive, variable M differential lock, and model-specific chassis technology, including Electronic Damper Control (EDC) and compound brakes. The V10 engine took first place overall at the prestigious International Engine of the Year Awards for two consecutive years, 2005 and 2006. And within two years, arrived in the higher category for engines of more than 4 liters.
The pioneering and progressive BMW M6. Even in large part to its innovative driver assistance systems, such as the Head-Up Display with M-specific display One year after the coupe went on sale was followed by the BMW M6 Convertible. By the year 2010 amounted to global sales of high-performance sports car 14,152 units, accounting for 9087 of these coupe and open-top version of the BMW M6, the remaining 5065.
Production: Innovative processes for exceptional cars.
With its state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, and its long experience in the production of premium cars very exclusive BMW Dingolfing is a natural choice for the construction of the new BMW M6. Here, in the largest BMW plant in the world, the M6 ​​Coupe and M6 Convertible is built on the same assembly line as the BMW 6 Series models. The luxury BMW 7-Series sedan models and the BMW 5 Series models are also built here. All these machines, including the BMW M6 will benefit the use of modules of product and process between lines of different models, to further improve the efficiency of production and the quality thereof. The integrated production of high performance car of sports production and collection of their components specific to each model of the chassis, body and interior.
The BMW plant in Dingolfing, Lower Bavaria, was part of the global production network of BMW since 1967. Today, this network includes facilities in 14 different countries. In 1973, BMW began producing complete vehicles, at this point, the new structures 2.4. Numerous awards are proof that this plant, which has built more than 8 million cars BMW until now, to a very high standard. About 18,600 people are currently working on the site, more than 12,000 of them in the vehicle production to 2.4.
V-engined in Monaco of Bavaria: the best technology and technical precision.
Based on best practices of high-performance engine of the new BMW M6 in the production hall for special category of engines in the BMW plant in Monaco of Bavaria will be built. The (flex) production line V here at BMW headquarters, the next engine of the M3 engine and the 12-cylinder unit in the BMW 760i and the latest models of Rolls-Royce is built. High process technology and craftsmanship of experienced professionals to ensure superior quality.
The engine block and crankcase of the V8 engine is produced in light alloy foundry at the BMW plant in Landshut. At the beginning of the Assembly in Monaco basic engines are vectors, each of which is mounted complete data storage integrated. This allows quality related data during the assembly process is recovered. For example, right programs automatic assembly screwing can be activated with the correct tightening torque for screwed. In all subsequent assembly stations also help to ensure that the engine-specific data of the employee. The right tools and the right pair In the same major components, such as cylinder heads and connecting rods are encoded. This allows them directly from their arrival at the factory for final assembly monitored. The production process involves a function test on the dynamometer, the engine has one and all before they happen sent to the BMW plant in Dingolfing.
Integrated production optimizes the quality and efficiency.
Integrated Production at joint product and process development modules allows the plant Dingolfing optimize production quality and efficiency - in line with the system of value-added production BMW (VPS). Standardized processes allow high-quality multi-production model are combined into a single assembly with the planning of integrated production. Flexible design allows the factory constantly maintain a high capacity utilization, ensuring short delivery times within the customer-oriented sales and production processes (COSP). Additional synergies through the use of "product modules" (design of modular components) is reached.
The same innovative manufacturing techniques have been developed that are now applied in a number of different models and so loud. For example, the production process is carried out leads research and development in the Dingolfing BMW Group aluminum-based center of excellence.
Newly designed aluminum processing technology makes modeling also complicated design features sophisticated as the character line on the doors. For steel components and innovative manufacturing techniques are used. In Dingolfing, BMW, first manufacturer in the world to hot pressing technology device, which has been using galvanized steel is cold worked, then heated to a temperature of about 900 degrees centigrade, then immediately cooled to a temperature of about 70 degrees and cured. The cooling is realized in a press with integrated water cooling and made only a few seconds. This technique gives the components from three to four times the thickness of the conventional steel plate.
Pioneer in the material of the future: the BMW M6 Coupé CFRP roof.
One of the most striking features of the new BMW M6 Coupe is made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) roof. BMW has extensive experience in the production of components made of carbon fiber, which first went into production at BMW Landshut in 2003. In 2013, this plant will also start production of CFRP passenger cell for the fully electric BMW i3 and BMW i8 plug-in hybrid sports car. In addition to their respective drive systems, lightweight construction is the use of carbon fiber base is a fundamental characteristic of both vehicles.
The predecessor of the new BMW M6 Coupe was one of the early pioneers of carbon fiber parts - the material of the future. It 'was the first model, are the beams of the roof and bumper CFRP were both mass production. Since the volumes of production of parts made of carbon fiber is constantly increasing. The current BMW M3 is also equipped with a roof made of carbon fiber. The new BMW M6 Coupé, further progress in manufacturing technology have made it possible for the designers to the CFRP roof surprising, aerodynamically optimized contours.
Used the extremely light material, but also very robust in the roof optimal stiffness combined with a significant weight reduction. This lowers the center of gravity and makes the BMW M6 Coupé even more agile. A CFRP roof allows a weight saving of approximately 50 percent compared to 30 percent compared to steel and aluminum, for the same or improve functional performance. CRP also offers excellent crash performance and durability.

Uefa champion league result

Uefa champions league november 6-7 2012 result
Group A
Dynamo kyiev   0-0 fc porto
Paris S.G            4-0 dinamo zagreb

Group B
Schalke               2-2 arsenal
Oplympiakos p  . 3-1 montpellier

Group C
Ac milan            1-1 Malaga
Anderlecht         1-0 Zenit s.p

Group D
Manchester city  2-2 Ajax A.
Real madrid        2-2 borussia dortmund

Group E
Chelsea              3-2 shaktar donetsk
Juventus             4-0 fc nordsjaelland

Group F
Bayern munchen 6-1 Lille
Valencia               4-2 Bate Borisov

Group G
Benfica               2-0   Spartak moscow
Celtic                   2-1  Barcelona Fc

Group H
Braga                  1-3   manchester united
CFR Cluj            1-3  Galatasaray

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lexus ES350 2013

Lexus ES350 is powered by a 3.5-liter engine with dual VVT-i V6 that delivers 268 horsepower at 6,200 rpm and 248 Nm of torque at 4,700. The six-speed sequential shift electronically controlled automatic transmission with intelligence (ECT-i) provides better driving performance, fuel efficiency and harmonic change. Low friction materials to further improve efficiency and help with fuel economy estimated by EPA ES350 21 city, 31 mpg highway mpg and 24 mpg combined.
Both the Lexus ES350 and ES300h has a drive mode selector. Normal mode offers a combination of performance and efficiency that is suitable for everyday driving, while Eco mode helps save fuel. The sports mode increases the transmission and steering response, and for ES300h, IP changes from the hybrid power monitor to a tachometer. The ES300h adds EV mode that allows you to drive a short distance at low speeds, using only battery power hybrid.
Chassis / Body / Suspension / Wheels / Brakes
Changes suspension, a stiffer body and a faster steering ratio provide greater accuracy in the new Lexus ES 2013.
The front suspension springs wound opposite to help improve straight-line stability. Revised rear suspension geometry and improving the damping characteristics of the shock absorbers to improve the ride comfort. The steering gear ratio has been reduced from 16.1:1 to 14.8:1 to help provide a sense of direction more agile and direct. A higher stiffness of the casing is obtained through light steel, high tensile strength, reinforcement and added more welding points. The air flow under the vehicle becomes smoother, improving stability and fuel economy and reduces friction.
The ES is equipped with standard tires 215/55R17 tires with low rolling resistance tires on alloy wheels of 17 inches. The Lexus ES350 offer optional polished 17-inch wheels and, for the first time, 18-inch high-gloss alloy wheels.
Lexus ES350 Safety / Security Features
A number of standard safety features and available to help the driver. The traffic monitor optional Blind Spot Alert rear cross (ATCM) to detect vehicles in blind spots aside. The ATCM alerts the driver to the rear cross traffic when running in a parking lot. Lane Departure Warning Available (LDA) is integrated with technology, automatic headlights control. The available Pre-Collision System (PCS) uses sub-millimeter wave radar, designed to detect any obstruction that move back and prepare the vehicle for a collision.
The ES has a class-leading 10 standard airbags, including driver and front passenger knee airbags front and seat-mounted and rear seat-mounted side airbags and side curtain airbags front and rear. WIL seats Whiplash (decrease) in front are designed to limit excessive head movement in certain rear-end collisions, which helps reduce the severity of whiplash-type injuries.
Lexus Safety Connect, including enhanced roadside assistance, an emergency assistance button (SOS), providing stolen vehicle tracking, and automatic collision notification, is available on all new Lexus vehicles, with a subscription one year test.
Lexus ES350 Luxury / Comfort / Convenience
The new IS is characterized by advanced NuLuxe bearing surfaces, developed to help reduce the environmental impact. Leather is available, such as semi-aniline leather for a more refined look and feel. The interiors are available in black, gray, and parchment. Trim colors and materials include Piano Black, Espresso Bird's-eye Maple View, bamboo for over ES300h.
The optional HDD navigation system includes voice commands, an integrated backup camera, an eight-inch, and the next-generation Lexus Enform ® with Suite application. Lexus Enform provides seamless connectivity with search Bing ™, iHeartRadio,, OpenTable ® ®, Pandora ®, Yelp and Facebook Places using smartphone compatible. Applications are updated via over-the-air downloads, so new apps and content can be added as they become available. (One year subscription to Lexus Enform with App Suite is included.)
The standard Lexus Premium Sound System with eight speakers and automatic sound leveling (ASL), in-dash CD player, USB / iPod ® connectivity and SiriusXM Satellite Radio receiver integrated with a trial subscription for 90 days. Display Audio package adds a seven-inch screen, HD Radio ™ with iTunes ® tagging, Bluetooth ® audio, book transfer, display information about the vehicle and a rearview camera.
A total of 15 speakers 835 watt Mark Levinson ® audio system features an eight-inch screen, HD Radio with iTunes encoding, DVD receiver audio / video and Sirius XM Satellite Radio. GreenEdge technology exclusive Mark Levinson amplifier output doubles, reducing energy consumption by 50 percent.
Exterior Design Lexus ES350
The SE has a new lower-profile style and clean lines from front to back. The four corners are attracted to the inner wheel arch, creating distinctive proportions.
The passage of the new IS is lengthened by 1.8 inches, while the overall length of the vehicle is increased by one inch, resulting in shorter overhangs and a more spacious interior.
The new port is the new face of Lexus, with its distinctive grille screw. The reason for "L" design is reflected in the LED daytime running lights and taillights combined. Fog lamps are integrated into the lower end sculpted front bumper. Athletes Lexus ES350 two exhaust pipes, while the ES300h has a unique design with rear exhaust and a rear spoiler integrated hidden. More specific details of hybrids include only blue badge and exclusive 17-inch wheels alloy.
Lexus ES350 Interior Design
The ES has improved vision and visibility, control logic and facts cabin new materials that have a high level of craftsmanship. The modern interior is designed to provide a sense of openness and security.
More legroom and rear seat knee room are the hallmark of the redesigned passenger cabin more spacious. Rear height is increased by 0.8 inches, knee room increased by 2.8 inches of legroom and spans 4.1 inches. More foot space under the front seats increases the comfort of the rear passengers.
A new space carved P10 control mode is standard on all IS models. A provision of 12-way power seat allows the seat cushion that extends 1.4 inches for better leg support. Furthermore, the steering wheel angle is reduced from 24 degrees to 22 degrees to a more natural position control.
The cabin has separate areas of operation and display to help keep the driver's eyes on the road. The instrument panel, with its long and layered look, put the information on the main screen directly in the line of vision of the driver, with a center mounting 3.5-inch color TFT screen navigation or multiple information available and multimedia system. Below the screen is a self-clock analog LED lighting.
The second generation interface Remote Control (RTI) allows the user to operate the climate, audio, phone controls, optional navigation system and more. The on-screen menus are selected with a knob on the center console. RTI also reduces the movement of the hand and the eye, which helps to reduce fatigue and distraction.
"He's always been a favorite of customers and a key model for Lexus," Templin said. "A lot of effort has been put into the new Lexus ES350 and ES300h to ensure our one million customers waiting anxiously ES would be more than satisfied."
Lexus ES350 Warranty
All new Lexus vehicles come with warranty 48-month/50 000 miles limited basis with roadside assistance for 48 months / unlimited miles. Powertrain and restraint system coverage is provided for 72 months/70, 000 miles. Protection against corrosion perforation is covered for 72 months, regardless of mileage. Hybrid-related components, including the "high voltage battery, battery control module, hybrid control module and inverter with converter, are covered for eight years/100, 000 miles.

Lexus LS 460 2013 review

Lexus LS 460 Chasis / cuerpo / Suspensión / Frenos / Neumáticos
Varias aletas estabilizadoras ayudan al Lexus LS a ser uno de los coches más aerodinámicamente eficiente de su segmento con un coeficiente aerodinámico de 0,26.
Tornillo para la soldadura por láser, los adhesivos del cuerpo y otros refuerzos estructurales aumentar la rigidez y mejorar la estabilidad, sensación de marcha y manejo.
Nueva unidad estándar Modo de selección permite al conductor elegir entre tres ajustes de unidades separadas (Eco, Normal y Sport). Vehículos con suspensión neumática disponible complemento Comfort y los modos Sport S +.
La suspensión neumática está disponible con relación variable del aparato de gobierno ajusta automáticamente la fuerza de amortiguación para el máximo confort y rendimiento.
El sistema de tracción total cuenta con una disposición central, siempre ocupado, Torsen de deslizamiento limitado diferencial central de deslizamiento limitado (LSD) para mejorar aún más agarre, la tracción y la estabilidad en las curvas.
Ruedas de reducción de ruido resonante drenar los principales aire cámara hueca áreas adyacentes dentro de las ruedas a través de resonadores de agujeros, lo que resulta en una muy tranquila.
Lexus LS 460 Seguridad / Seguridad
La avanzada pre-colisión sistema de seguridad (APCS) capaz de detectar peatones fijas y en movimiento a velocidades de hasta tres millas por hora y detener el vehículo a una velocidad de 24 millas por hora en el caso de colisión con otro vehículo es inminente.
Disponible con el control de crucero adaptativo (ACC) supervisa continuamente la distancia del vehículo de delante y es capaz de funcionar a cualquier velocidad. El sistema puede hacer que el vehículo se detenga por completo, y acelere una vez que el camino es claro
Una versión actualizada, Lane Assist-Mantener opcional del sistema (LKA) ayuda al conductor a permanecer en el carril destinado.
Nueva LS, monitor de punto ciego (BSM) utiliza trasero radar de onda milimétrica para controlar el vehículo lateral trasero puntos ciegos a 10 millas por hora o más. Esta característica incluye Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) que se ejecuta automáticamente cuando el vehículo está en reversa y advierte al conductor de la proximidad de otros vehículos cuando se ejecuta fuera de un espacio de estacionamiento.
La disposición Beam automático de alta con una cámara está en el espejo interior para detectar fuentes de luz por delante del vehículo - incluyendo los faros de los vehículos que vienen en dirección contraria, las luces traseras de un vehículo de delante y la iluminación de la calle - de cambia automáticamente las luces altas y en consecuencia fuera.
Lexus LS 460 Lujo / Comfort / Convenience
Se han realizado mejoras en el aislamiento acústico de una cabina más silenciosa.
Los asientos delanteros rediseñados para minimizar los picos de presión y aumentar el apoyo. Los dos asientos delanteros están equipados con calefacción estándar y sistema de refrigeración mejorado con áreas más grandes de la calefacción y la refrigeración y la calefacción y el tiempo de enfriamiento reducido.
Todos los modelos AWD incluyendo la LS600hL función de un volante con calefacción y un coeficiente de temperatura positivo (PTC) resistencias que calientan la zona frontal de la cabina del vehículo rápidamente después de comenzar. Dispositivo de desescarchado y lavafaros son estándar en los modelos AWD.
La LS tiene un estándar de Lexus sistema de audio Premium con un amplificador de nueve canales, 10 altavoces, CD / DVD, DVD de audio y compatibilidad de video, mejora de sonido MP3, HD Radio ™ con etiquetas de iTunes, y suscripción de tres meses prueba para SiriusXM ™ Satellite Radio. Progreso estándar de entretenimiento y conectividad incluyen Bluetooth ® mejorada con la descarga automática de la agenda y audio streaming.
El sistema opcional Mark Levinson de referencia del sistema Surround ofrece un cine en casa 5.1 con sonido envolvente 7.1 arquitectura, circuitos discretos, 15-canal amplificador de potencia ML3-16 procesador que cubre un rango de frecuencia de 20Hz-20kHz, y 450 watts con menos 0,1% de distorsión armónica total (THD).
Opciones de lujo
Asientos eléctricos traseros disponibles con clima conserje.
Una disposición otomano paquete de sesiones con el masaje Shiatsu y el Sistema de entretenimiento para el asiento trasero con un reproductor de Blu-ray de DVD, una ranura para tarjetas SD y un techo retráctil, nueve pulgadas de pantalla a color VGA.
Diseño exterior
La rejilla trapezoidal invertida superior e inferior de parrilla inclinada que se han introducido en el sedán GS se combinaron y se integran en un solo elemento en el LS Lexus para crear una forma del mandril más prominente.
Cuando está equipado con la opción de tres faros proyector LED, el LS ofrece todas las luces al aire libre del LED, incluyendo señales de vuelta a la niebla
Lexus LS 460 Sport F tiene una fascia delantera exclusiva con una rejilla de malla de avanzada en tres dimensiones, las grandes rejillas de ventilación, negro envolvente de los faros antiniebla parrilla y redondo. Una barra de cromo corre a lo largo del borde inferior del parachoques trasero acentúa el centro de gravedad bajado. F Deporte credencialización completar el look exterior.
F LS Sport cuenta con seis colores exteriores, Ultra White es un deporte de F única.
Lexus LS 460 Interior Design
El tablero está dividido en dos zonas diferenciadas: una zona superior de la pantalla, con grandes, 12.3 pulgadas multi-pantalla LCD, y un área de baja operativo, que permite el acceso a los controles del sistema, tales como el segundo generación Interfaz de Control Remoto (RTI).
Instrumento del conductor del panel de instrumentos incorpora alta visibilidad diales Optitron de gran diámetro, un transistor de 5,8 pulgadas de película delgada (TFT) pantalla de información múltiple y un reloj analógico en aluminio con una función de tiempo basado en GPS corrección.
El interior está disponible en 5 colores: marfil, gris claro, negro, Tan negro y una silla, y una nueva disposición Topaz Brown.
Incluye opcional madera de nogal, Espresso Shimamoku, Arce ojo de pájaro Matte Brown. El Lexus LS 600h L también ofrece un acabado de bambú ecológicos de madera.
El nuevo y definitivo Shimamoku es un ejemplo de lo mejor de los japoneses tradicionales. Shimamoku, traducido como "tiras de madera", consiste en la superposición de chapas de luz constante y oscuro rincón con sombra cortaba leña en un solo proceso que consiste en 67 etapas de la producción durante 38 días.
El Lexus LS 460 F Características Deporte adornos de aluminio y un interior único, con un techo negro Alcantara.


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